Paul Szpak is an associate professor and Canada Research Chair in Archaeological Science in the Department of Anthropology at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. He completed his undergraduate education at McMaster University (2003-2007) and his PhD at Western University (2008-2013). Between 2013 and 2016 he held SSHRC, Izaak Walton Killam Foundation, and NSERC Banting postdoctoral fellowships in the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. His research uses stable isotope analysis to better understand how humans have interacted with and impacted their environment, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of archaeological materials. Paul is Director of the Trent Environmental Archaeology Lab and the Trent Water Quality Centre.
If you are interested in applying to work with Paul for graduate studies consult the graduate program websites for the Department of Anthropology's Master's (MA or MSc) program and the School of Environmental and Life Sciences' (EnLS) MSc and PhD programs. For more information about specific projects that may be available to graduate students, consult the RESEARCH tab on this site or contact Paul directly.