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Description of Research Area

My research in South America focuses on how people managed their domestic animals, specifically llamas, alpacas, and guinea pigs. By applying stable isotope analysis to the bones, teeth, and hair of animals recovered from archaeological sites, we can learn about how they interacted with people - where they were living, what kinds of foods they were eating, and how these variables changed throughout the course of their lives. I am actively conducting research in this area in northern Peru and northern Chile. 


Opportunities are currently available for graduate students interested in this research area.


Representative Publications​​

  • Szpak, P., Millaire, J.-F., Chapdelaine, C., White, C.D., Longstaffe, F.J., 2019. An Integrated isotopic study of Early Intermediate Period camelid husbandry in the Santa Valley, Perú. Environmental Archaeology, 1-17. doi:10.1080/14614103.2019.1583302 [DOWNLOAD .pdf]

  • Szpak, P., Chicoine, D., Millaire, J.-F., White, C.D., Parry, R., Longstaffe, F.J., 2016. Early Horizon camelid management practices in the Nepeña Valley, north-central coast of Peru. Environmental Archaeology 21, 230-245. [DOWNLOAD .pdf]

  • Szpak, P., Millaire, J.-F., White, C.D., Bourget, S., Longstaffe, F.J., 2016. Life Histories of Sacrificed Camelids from Huancaco (Virú Valley), in: Klaus, H.D., Toyne, J.M. (Eds.), Reconstructing Sacrifice on the North Coast of Peru: Archaeological Studies of Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes. University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 319-341. [DOWNLOAD .pdf]

  • Szpak, P., Millaire, J.-F., White, C.D., Longstaffe, F.J., 2014. Small scale camelid husbandry on the north coast of Peru (Virú Valley): Insight from stable isotope analysis. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 36, 110-129. [DOWNLOAD .pdf]

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