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Lab Olympics are a fun, team-building event that showcase the lab skills of our members. In August 2021 we held our first Lab Olympics with six events: pipette transfer, reagent weighing, bone cutting, micorbalance speed, microbalance accuracy, and parafilm shot put. We hosted our second Lab Olympics in April 2022. In April 2023 we added a new event: bone crushing volume. 

Lab Olympics 2021 Group with Medals.jpeg


Using a standard 5.75" Pasteur pipette, transfer 5x10 mL of water from straight-walled culture tubes to a beaker, spilling as little as possible in the process. At least 49.5 mL of water must be transferred as determined by a balance.  


With a single scoopula scoop transfer a predetermined amount of a reagent onto a weighing boat. The lab member with the closest weight to the target is the winner. The 2021 and 2022 events consisted of weighing 1.000 g of potassium carbonate. In 2023, the target was 333 mg of calcium carbonate. 


Using a dental drill, remove a single chunk of bone with a weight that is as close as possible to the target. For the 2021 competition the target was 200 mg and the bone being cut was a kangaroo tibia. For the 2022 competition the target was a 250 mg chunk of the same kangaroo tibia. For the 2023 competition, the target was a 333 mg chunk of a cow tibia. 

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Lab Olympics 2022 Olivia with medal 9G4A8299.jpg
Lab Olympics 2021 Julia Reagent Weighing.jpg
Lab Olympics 2022 Medals Microbalance Speed File 2022-04-26, 9 31 54 PM.jpeg
Lab Olympics 2023 Pipette Transfer Julia.jpeg


Weigh five aliquots of a standard reference material and encapsulate them in 4.25x5.00 mm tin capsules as quickly as possible. Capsules must have weights confirmed only after encapsulation is complete. Times in the table below are the average time in seconds taken to weigh one tin capsule. 


This event takes place concurrently with the microbalance speed event. The lab member that records the weight closest to the target is the winner. For the 2021 event, the target weight was 0.555 mg and the winner was determined based on the closest single capsule to the target weight; ties were broken based on the second closest capsule to the target weight. For the 2022 and 2023 events we took the average absolute difference (in mg) of the three capsules from the target weight.


We have accumulated a 655 g ball of used parafilm. The aim of this event is simple - using strict shot put form, launch the parafilm ball as far as possible. We did not measure distances in 2021. 

Lab Olympics 2022 Maddy Bone Cutting 91446e230987ec491c83acfeb9f91df9a9c19964817e74d7140c3
Lab Olympics 2021 Tessa Bone Cutting.jpg
2023 Lab Olympics Parafilm Shotput Mariah.jpeg


Dispense precisely the right amount of water from a carbouy into a graduated cylinder. One shot, no top-us. Scores represent the % difference from the target volume; quantified by mass of water added.

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